
Home » Skills » Rogue

Icon Name Description Advantages Drawback Lvl up by:
10517.gif Longbow Improves the attack power of bow and sting weapons Attack +4,
Attack +1/lvl,
Rigor +8/10lvl
Attack bonus only with Bows and Stings equiped Ranged combat
10530.gif Shadowblade Improves the attack power of the shadowblade Attack +2,
Agility +2,
Attack +1/lvl
Attack bonus only with ShadowBlades equiped Using ShadowBlade in combat
10518.gif Snipe Increases ranged attack power Attack +2,
Ranged Attack +1/lvl,
Increasing chance to interrupt casting spells.
Can't have Grapple Ranged combat
10519.gif Eagle Eye Increases ranged attack power Rigor +2,
Agility +2,
Rigor +1/lvl,
Agility +1/lvl
Level bonus only with Bows and Stings equiped Ranged combat
10535.gif Avatar Improves agility and enables user to use avatar skills Agility +4,
Agility +1/lvl
Level bonus only with ShadowBlades equiped Casting melee and mage skills
10536.gif Assault Increases accuracy and agility and enables the user to cast assault skills Accuracy +2,
Agility +2,
Accuracy +1/lvl,
Agility +1/lvl
Level bonus only with ShadowBlades equiped Using ShadowBlade in combat
10532.gif Mantle Enables you to wear Mantle Armor Defense +3,
Agility +1,
Max. Weight +60/lvl
Can't have Vestment, Garment,
Slows spell (Magic) casting very slightly
Ranged or melee combat