Staff Hit

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10508.gif Staff Hit


10781.gif Blazing Charm
Level 68 - 116

When a staff is equipped, skills also have a chance of decreasing target's SP and MP.
40067.gif Blazing Sun
Level 155 - 203

Gather the power of the sun with the staff unleashing Sun Strike, having a chance to stun the enemy.
40027.gif Desolation
Level 100 - 180

A massive hammer descends from the sky, splitting the ground open and letting out a fountain of lava. Deals DMG to all
targets around the caster, and may burn them


Blazing Charm

When a staff is equipped, skills also have a chance of decreasing target's SP and MP.
Spell level Skill Level Casting Delay Cooldown Stacking
1 68 1 sec none 30 sec 179
2 80 1 sec none 30 sec 179
3 92 1 sec none 30 sec 179
4 104 1 sec none 30 sec 179
5 116 1 sec none 30 sec 179
MP used Duration
396 15 sec
480 15 sec
552 15 sec
624 15 sec
696 15 sec
Chance to Trigger on Target Affect MP Duration
Blazing Charm I(5%) -200 5 sec
Blazing Charm II(10%) -400 5 sec
Blazing Charm III(15%) -800 5 sec
Blazing Charm IV(20%) -1200 5 sec
Blazing Charm V(30%) -1600 5 sec
Blazing Sun

Gather the power of the sun with the staff unleashing Sun Strike, having a chance to stun the enemy.
Spell level Skill Level Casting Delay Cooldown Range Stacking
1 155 at once none 3 sec 12 363
2 167 at once none 3 sec 12 363
3 179 at once none 3 sec 12 363
4 191 at once none 3 sec 12 363
5 203 at once none 3 sec 12 363
MP used Damage Fire Attack
800 639 - 661 (650) 3000(100%)
1200 775 - 797 (786) 4000(100%)
1800 899 - 921 (910) 5000(100%)
3000 1014 - 1036 (1025) 6000(100%)
4000 1239 - 1261 (1250) 8000(100%)
Trigger Chance Movement Speed Duration
Stunned I(20%) Stun 1 sec
Stunned II(20%) Stun 1 sec
Stunned III(20%) Stun 1 sec
Stunned IV(20%) Stun 1 sec
Stunned V(20%) Stun 1 sec

A massive hammer descends from the sky, splitting the ground open and letting out a fountain of lava. Deals DMG to all
targets around the caster, and may burn them
Spell level Skill Level Casting Delay Cooldown AOE Stacking
1 100 at once none 3 sec 12 363
2 120 at once none 3 sec 12 363
3 140 at once none 3 sec 12 363
4 160 at once none 3 sec 12 363
5 180 at once none 3 sec 12 363
MP used Damage Fire Attack
400 239 - 261 (250) 1000(100%)
600 305 - 327 (316) 2000(100%)
900 472 - 494 (483) 3000(100%)
1500 639 - 661 (650) 4000(100%)
2000 922 - 944 (933) 6000(100%)
Trigger Chance Affect HP Tick Per Duration
Desolation I(100%) -400 1 sec 10 sec
Desolation II(100%) -700 1 sec 10 sec
Desolation III(100%) -900 1 sec 10 sec
Desolation IV(100%) -1200 1 sec 10 sec
Desolation V(100%) -1500 1 sec 10 sec