
Home » Skills » Fighter

Icon Name Description Advantages Drawback Lvl up by:
10509.gif Sword Improves the attack power of the sword and blade Attack +4,
Attack +1/lvl,
Rigor +1/lvl
Attack bonus only for hand equipped with Swords equiped Using Sword in combat
10510.gif Axe Improves the attack power of the axe and hammer Attack +4,
Attack +1/lvl,
Rigor +8/10lvl
Attack bonus only for hand equipped with Axes and Hammers equiped Using Axe in combat
10511.gif Spear Improves the attack power of the spear Attack +4,
Attack +1/lvl,
Rigor +8/10lvl
Attack bonus only with Spears equiped Using Spear in combat
10512.gif Enhance Increases defense Defense +2,
Stamina +2,
Defense +1/lvl,
Max. HP +12/lvl
Can't have Meditate Melee combat
10513.gif Grapple Increases physical attack power Rigor +4,
Rigor +1/lvl,
Attack +1/lvl,
Max. HP +12/lvl
Can't have Snipe Melee combat
10514.gif Shield You can use shields Defense +4,
Defense +3/lvl
Defense bonus only with Shields equiped Using shield in melee combat
10515.gif Reserve Increases attack power while enabling you to also collect SP quickly Attack +2,
Max. SP +1/25lvl,
Attack +1/lvl
- Ranged or melee combat
10516.gif Finesse Enables you to use both hands to hold weapons or increases attack speed Attack Speed +10%,
Agility +4,
Agility +1/lvl
- Ranged or melee combat
10533.gif Garment Enables you to wear Garment Armor High Physical Defense,
Defense +4,
Max. Weight +72/lvl
Can't have Vestment, Mantle
Low Spell Defense,
Slow range attacks,
Casts spells twice as slow
Melee combat